Create live segments and target the right people for messages based on their behaviors.

The Quickest Way to Deliver Your Message? Make It Visual.

Writen by
Wolk Heyman
UI Design

Roma Norte district, the possibility of acquiring a house with a garden in the residential area of ​​San Jeronimo, in the south of the city, arises during the March 2020 confinement visually restrained, but stylish. Informative and pleasant to use, with an elegant aftertaste of a serious financial institution.
Combined with elements of French typography and visually restrained.

Definition of UX

Minimalism combined with elements of French typography and brutalism helped us to realize the site exactly as we imagined with the client at the beginning: visually restrained, but stylish. Informative and pleasant to use, with an elegant aftertaste of a serious financial institution.
Combined with elements of French typography and visually restrained, but stylish. Informative and pleasant to use, with an elegant aftertaste of a serious financial institutional client, and close collaboration.

  • Advantage
  • Accomplished
  • Marketplace startups
  • SaaS startups
but still with a hint of that blocky ‘construction’ vibe. We use Chaney for general display and when we want to drive attention to the content, and the technical and geometric Sora font for the body copy and paste overall hierarchy.

Development Processing


The basic idea was to find a balance between the thin, wispy sans-serif used to indicate a ‘futuristic‘ tone, and a bold, masculine font synonymous with ‘construction‘. We came up with something in the middle, leaning towards lighter-weighted fonts, but still with a hint of that blocky ‘construction’ vibe. We use Chaney for general display and when we want to drive attention to the content, and the technical and geometric Sora font for the body copy and paste overall hierarchy.

The basic idea was to find a balance between the thin. Minimalism combined with elements of French typography and brutalism helped us to realize the site exactly as we imagined with the client at the beginning: visually restrained, but stylish. Informative and pleasant to use, with an elegant aftertaste of a serious financial institution.
Combined with elements of French typography and visually restrained, but stylish. Informative and pleasant to use, with an elegant aftertaste of a serious financial institutional client, and close collaboration.

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Useful Fallbacks

In order to explain Impro’s key benefits at the Collision conference, we created a video presentation and adapted all their marketing and sales collateral to the new brand look and feel. We are currently working on the redesign of their old web application. Stay tuned to see the final results.

Go Out and Explore.

Roma Norte district, the possibility of acquiring a house with a garden in the residential area of ​​San Jeronimo, in the south of the city, arises during the March 2020 confinement visually restrained, but stylish. Informative and pleasant to use, with an elegant aftertaste of a serious financial institution.

Elegance of Lines

Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi.